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Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_05.

Juliana Klemm

Unleash Your Potential

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Some About My Background

I coach clients to help them realize their full potential, both personally and professionally. With a unique ability to connect with a wide spectrum of leaders, I have contributed to many success stories in various industries, using different methodologies, dealing with changing contents and always focusing on people as the core of my work.

In more than 15 years of experience within the IT Business I have had the privilege to fill multiple roles from Quality Engineer to HR Business Partner; from Manager to Agile Coach. This profound hands-on experience allows me to advise my clients with extensive knowledge, business understanding and an attitude of getting things done.

To learn more about all I have to offer, keep reading or feel free to get in touch.

Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_06.
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Some Elements Of My Work

Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_12

Deep Dive

tailored solutions

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the road ahead

Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_11

Agile Coach

lowering the water

Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_10_

Team Building

know the players

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Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_12

Deep Dive

tailored solutions

Most business leaders have a clear understanding of what they want to achieve. They have a clear vision.

Also, business leaders at the top of the hierarchy, rely on their managers to deal with everyday business in their organization and thus got disconnected from the challenges that the employees and managers are facing. At the same time, they sense very strongly that something needs to change for them to realize their vision.

This is when I come into the picture. They get in touch with me to find out what hinders the organization to realize the vision. Root causes are as diverse as any organization is.

I work fact based through analyzing processes, collaboration, ways of communication and by talking to individuals across hierarchies. Ideally, I do not just analyze and observe.

The fastest results can be achieved when I work within the organization so that I can feel its pulse, experience the challenges firsthand and develop a tailored solution to accomplish the mission together with my client. This leads to long-term benefit solutions the organization can achieve at its own pace for a sustainable change, with a high commitment of the staff.

My clients appreciate that I roll up my sleeves and add value from day one. They also appreciate my respectful honesty about my observations, and alternative approaches I might suggest. And I appreciate their trust.


If you want to bounce ideas around with me on how I can support you, do not hesitate to get in touch! 

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the road ahead

"Strategy" is a very big word. Its origin can be translated as the "art of troop leader". And yet, to be  honest, sometimes there are strategies without a vision or the vision is so complicated that nobody can quote it by heart. And there are many reasons why this is the case in organizations. The important question to pose is: do we have a problem? If the answer is yes- let's work on it.

My approach to solving the problem is to understand the status-quo, the pain points and to offer various ways to solve it. In many cases only impulses from my side were required to enable my customers to continue on their own- in one case it was actually only a sketch on a piece of paper over a good cup of Viennese coffee.
Indeed, "Strategy" is a big word. It spans from creating a vision to actual deliverables. It can mean portfolio management, consolidation plans, annual road map or simply defining the steps that need to be accomplished to achieve the desired outcome.

Whatever strategy means for you, I am happy to discuss it over a good cup of coffee, just drop me a note.

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Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_11

Agile Coach

lowering the water

My agile journey started in 2007 as a Test Engineer, being taught Scrum, including all the personal challenges I faced, when I had to step out of my comfort zones. And there were many. An honest analysis is not always pleasant, speaking up, admitting failure and mastering the learning curve to become a high-performing organization consisting of high-performing teams requires courage. And yet, the reward of not only doing agile, but being agile deeply impressed me.


I am an Agilist to the bone and at the same time no zealot.

The theory can be mastered in self-studies, certificates can be obtained through exams. In addition to the theory and diplomas hanging on the wall, I offer practical advice and hands on agile coaching.

Throughout my career I worked in all three Scrum roles.

Additionally, as a people manager of agile teams, as a leading Scrum Master across Europe, as an HR Business Partner for an agile IT of more than 350 employees and lead agile transformations of different company sizes.

The art of transforming an organization and to lead it to embrace the agile principles, thus creating its very own culture of dealing with challenges as part of an endless learning journey, is what drives me.

My clients appreciate my ability to analyze their status-quo and to design their future together. And I appreciate their trust

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Team Building

know the players

Individuals are hired most certainly because of their hard skills and ideally because their soft skills and values match those of the organization as well.
Every individual also carries their very personal backpack, it is packed with stuff from their childhood, previous jobs and experiences with other individuals.
Sometimes teams are really lucky and all their members share similar values, interests, have a similar understanding of commitment to team contribution, while being a top-notch team, also regarding their business outcome.
Sometimes this is not the case. Sometimes it requires a closer look into teams, analyzing their "system" and how the systems around them influence their work and behavior.
I strongly believe that individuals strive to give their best in their jobs. This is why I do not just want to run a team building, I want to deliver added value to the team and with it to the super-ordinate organization. For me, honesty towards and from the team is the key to success, to look at the team system with respect for the individual team members and request contribution from all members towards a team system that allows every member to give their best.
I tailor my workshops very much to my customers' needs, using various methodologies- one of my favorites includes Lego blocks.

I am curious how I can support you. If you are curious too...

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Juliana Klemm_(c)Martina Siebenhandl_02

Systemic Coach

new perspectives

I am a Systemic Coach. This means that I coach individuals, working out new perspectives with my coachees and helping them to find solutions to their challenges. As a good Coach would, I tailor my sessions and methodologies to the needs of the individual, my CV and broad business background makes me a perfect fit to a variety of people from different backgrounds.

I do not care to call myself an Executive Coach since hierarchies do not matter to me as a Coach. However, as my competitors do not all think alike, it seems important to at least mention that I am a Top Executive Coach as well.
Naturally, the knowledge of systemic coaching is embedded in any other of my working fields.

If you want to find out whether I am a perfect fit for you, do not hesitate to get in touch!

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Personal Information

I was born in 1978, raised in Germany and Austria and am happily married and mother of three children.

As a middle child, I learned self-assertion and mediation from a young age.

So far, life has already taught me more than books could ever do, and still I keep on educating myself on new methodologies, new thinking processes. 

My motto in life is: “Once you master a skill, learn a new one!” That is why I started to learn how to play the piano in 2019. Going back to being a student every now and then helps me to stay humble, feel the pain of changing habits and to adjust my thinking. That influences my way of coaching organizations. Effort and the willingness to reflect are what count, then the outcome is a natural result.

Being a mother, happy wife and businesswoman is more than I could have ever wished for. Although my life is incredibly challenging and requires a lot of energy, I would not want to give up either one of these roles. Running for me is the energy boost that I need to keep a good mood. And my passion for delicious food is what makes me run regularly.

My present status quo is not only due to the amount of hard work I put in but also due to a quantum of luck and a safe and nurturing childhood. I am well aware that not every child is born in an environment that provides an easy start. To me children are the most fragile treasure we have, and they need our protection. Therefore a significant share of my annual revenue are dedicated to an organization that helps to protect children from an environment that is not protecting them.

This is another one of my very strong personal motivations to be and stay a successful businesswoman.

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Untere Viaduktgasse - 1030 Vienna - Austria

+43 (0)664 8534523

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+43 (0)664 8534523

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